6 months ago I started my major weight loss journey! For the beginning of my diet it was mostly liquid or puréed food. After that, I was pushed to do a high protein diet. So I ate a lot of meat and cheese. Yes I lost weight. You will lose weight with that kind of diet. 5 months later...My weight loss started to slow and I noticed I was barely eating any fiber, or fruits to avoid carbs and sugar. You may lose weight on a protein diet at first but you will stall if you cut out everything but protein. Our bodies need fiber!
One night, I decided to eat a steak. It was not my first time eating a steak since I’ve started my journey but something about this meat product I was eating was pure awful. It wasn't bad or spoiled.. Maybe it was because I was eating meat so much as part of my diet but... I felt sick to my stomach and I felt like it was sitting very heavily in my gut....and it was. I physically was feeling horrible plus my weight loss started to slow.
I trusted my intuition and started doing my research on animal protein and dairy. I found out nothing but horrible things about the food industry pushing this horrible American diet on us and hiding the true facts about how bad dairy is for us. (look it up if you want to know more)
So, I decided to cut dairy first and In a couple of weeks I will be fully cutting meat. (I’m weaning myself off of it, with cleanses in the meantime).
So for the past week, I stopped eating dairy! Here is what happened!
I pooped! It took me a couple of days to clear out the gunk that dairy left in my gut but I felt sooo much better clearing that out!
Not only did I poop but my digestive track has been regular since I cut out dairy, which is something that was almost impossible with my last diet. On the keto diet I would only go to the restroom 2-3 times or less a week!!! That can’t be normal...
I had so much more energy and felt better overall! It’s a feeling I can’t explain!
During my keto phase diet, I averaged 1-3lbs of weight loss a week. In this one week of quitting dairy I’ve lost a whopping 7lbs!!!! It’s like my body was saying thank you!!!
As you can see, it’s been nothing but good for me to quit dairy!
Dairy and animal protein is really pushed in the American diet but there is plenty of evidence proving how processed, dangerous and cancer causing dairy and animal protein can be. These bigwig food industries control and will do anything to make money off of your illness.
The medial and big pharma industry is a billion dollar industry and doesn’t treat the root cause but only manages symptoms. The best route to go is back to human basics and I’m very excited to fully start a whole food vegan diet and eat how humans were created to eat!
Bring on those healthy carbs and fiber!
Stay tuned for more info on my weight loss journey! ~Amber
Thanks for sharing your story! I too have found that I’m irregular doing the keto diet. I’m 5 months out and stalling as well. While I won’t give up meat or dairy, this has encouraged me to add more variety in my diet and not feel bad about it! I miss my fruits!